Wednesday 31 October 2012

Day 3 - The Same, But Different

A full 3 days into my new programme and how are things going?  Well, that's not as easy to do as you might think.  Trying to separate any actual changes from things that would have happened anyway is quite difficult. Which changes are purely mental and which are physical?  No idea yet.  Maybe I'll never know.

Anyway, the food side is going well – breakfast was the Maca stuff, which is honestly nothing really special as far as I can tell.  Maybe continued use turns you into superman, time will tell.  Lunch was vegan fruit and oat biscuits, since I couldn’t be bothered trying to find something that wasn't full of animals. The biscuits were nice and oaty, which is really all you can ask really.  Finally, dinner was a revitalised version of Monday’s chili, which was vastly improved through the addition of some of my missing ingredients.  

On other fronts, I’ve been feeling a little snacky.  This isn’t unusual, so I’m going to dismiss it for now. Energy levels seem fine, neither up nor down.  I did a short 6km run to test out my calf (no pain, yay!) so that bodes well.  It was an extremely easy run, but it did feel good.  Very much looking forward to getting out for something a little quicker and longer.

All said, not an exciting day food wise.

What is interesting, is reading Rich Roll’s book “Finding Ultra” which I’m enjoying  thus far, about a third of the way through.  The idea that someone can find their passion at age 40 and then go on to do all the amazing things Rich has done… Well, you can’t help but feel a little inspired.  I’m not sure I have his level of inner drive to go above and beyond (hey, I don’t mind a bit of comfort zone) but I can admire it and perform my own scaled down version.  Both Rich Roll and Scott Jurek convinced me that vegan is compatible with being strong and healthy; they are both exactly the sort of athlete I’d like to become.  Well, “become” is a bit strong, perhaps emulate is more apt.

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