Sunday, 25 November 2012

Days 22 to 28 - Holidays

Been doing lots of holiday stuff (as you might expect) so not a lot to add. I've managed to stay vegan for the duration and got some quality runs in.

Will post a proper update later with photos and insights :)

Day 21 - Aussie run

Recovered from some of the jet lag. Still waking up too early and feeling tired at 7:30 in the evening. Oh well, such is the life of an international jet setter such as myself ;)

Went for a 10k run around the local park (1.3k x 8) - not the most inspiring run I've ever done. But glad I got out there anyway.

One thing I've (re)discovered is that Australia is a very meat-centric place. We went to the food court for lunch and trying to find a vegetarian option, let along a vegan one, was a challenge. Managed anyway, but I think it will be a bit of a struggle for the rest of the trip.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Days 19 to 20 - Come fly with me

So we flew off back to Australia on Friday evening on Virgin Atlantic. I was able to select a vegan food option for the flight, so hopes were high that I wouldn't have to subsist on my emergency backup snack supply (biscuits and pumpkin seeds). And the result in the end? Not bad really. Quite a lot of fruit, with the hot portion of veg in a tomato type sauce.

The flight itself was fine - no issues to report. Didn't sleep on the second leg as hoped, but everything went as well you could hope for 20+ hours in a tin can.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Day 18 - Indian delight

So out for dinner with the team for an early Xmas dinner.  We went to an Indian restaurant called Cafe Spice Namaste near Tower Hill DLR station.  There was a set menu, so I told them ahead of time that one of the party was vegan - to which they said they would be able to accommodate.

So we rock up and not have they just accommodated, they have pulled out all the stops! The chef had prepared a set of separate dishes, each more delicious than the rest.  In all my years I don't think I've had such a delightful range of dishes with subtle and unique flavours.  Needless to say I stuffed myself silly and we all had a great meal/evening. 

Highly, highly recommended.

Tomorrow evening I'm off to Australia for two weeks. That should be a fun challenge :)

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Day 17 - More of the same

No big insights today.  Lunch was the same delicious vegetable burrito as yesterday. Dinner was the rest of the falafel stuff from last night.  So much for variety :)

I went on a 20km long run this evening. Just picked a direction and started going.  Felt pretty good, nearly completely recovered from my illness. The hydration pack was awesome, the evening beautiful and London foggy.  No sore knees and/or calves.  Took it slow and easy, came back feeling pretty damn good. I think I'm building a good base to start extending my miles, hopefully staying injury free.

Go plant power! :)

Day 16 - Cruising

Another good day, now 90% recovered from the horrors of my food poisoning.  I was able to put in a solid showing at the gym, although I'm still feeling a little sluggish.

The highlights of the day were once again my food :)

For lunch I went to Tortilla and had a vegetarian burrito.  Since I didn't have meat, I was allowed to have a few other extras instead.  The best part for me was that without the meat, the rest of the flavours could come through and I enjoyed it quite a lot more than normal. Also, no post lunch sleepiness. Win all round!

Then dinner was falafels on pita with carrot, cucumber, lettuce and tomato. Another simple meal, but really tasty and filling.  Honestly this gig just keeps getting better and better!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Day 15 - Too much fun

This whole vegan gig is getting to be a lot of fun.  I'm finding new and interesting things to eat each day, some old, some new. 

Today's lunch was catered (a small reward for a 6 hour meeting) and consisted of sandwiches (all with either cheese or meat), a giant bowl of fruit and another of baked crisps. Everyone dove for the sandwiches and I beelined for the fruit and crisps.  Two bananas, an apple, a plum, two handfuls of grapes and a pile crisps later and I was in heaven.  All for about the same calories as two sandwiches - yet all the more nutritious and filling. 

I was doubly pleased since I didn't need to make a fuss, instead I just went with what I found compatible and made the most of it. No-one should be "that guy" who makes a big deal out of how hard done by they are at every meal.  I did get a quick question over my fruity choice - "don't you eat bread?"...  Now, I've learnt that the V-word tends to polarise people quite a lot, so I've found just saying that I don't eat meat or dairy (or anything animal derived if pushed) fits in with most people's world view.  People have all sorts of diets and preferences, so it goes down well.  It is a little sad that "vegan" has become such a emotionally loaded word, but such is the way of language and perception.

This evening I couldn't be bother preparing anything, so dinner was left over goodies.  Doesn't sound that great?  Well, not if your leftover goodies are all delicious:

Yup, that's a pineapple, avocado, cucumber and tomato burger.  And yes, it did taste wonderful!

Preparation time: about 2 minutes :)

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Day 14 - Back on track

I've shaken the worst of the food poisoning now. I was even able to do a short 5km run this evening, although a painfully slow one.  I did try out the (somewhat superfluous) hydration vest and it was extremely comfortable.  Look forward to giving it another try soon.

On the food front, we had veg burgers today for lunch and they were awesome! Did not find myself thinking meat would add anything to it. Instead all the flavours came together more naturally and I managed to stuff two of them down, even though my appetite is still quite suppressed.  The best part was that even though it was a big meal (calculated it was about 900 calories) and I felt totally stuffed from it (and still do)... No the best part was missing the associated "bleah" low energy moment straight afterwards.  Feels nice to normalise the energy curve from the previous roller coaster ride.

Will start back with another easy run tomorrow, gym on Tuesday and then a medium/long run on Thursday.  Then jet-setting off to Australia to see family.  Can't wait :)

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Day 13 - Recovering

Still feeling quite ill from the food poisoning, but I'm slowly recovering.

That said, I had a rather nice dinner this evening - vegetable kuey teow and a spinach salad.  I was assured the keuy teow didn't have any dairy or meat in it (they left out the egg).  I'm not sure if that is true, but I wanted Thai food and I realised how challenging it can be to find something without dairy.  Sure, vegetarian is a snap, easy to explain as well.  But making sure there aren't any pesky animal products is not easy for a beginner such as myself.

Not my actual meal, but a fair facsimile
Obviously with the illness I haven't been out and running, which is a real shame as I want to try out my new vest.  Curse you chunky vegetarian soup for stealing my weekend!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Day 12 - Bleah

Been ill all day with food poisoning.  Very likely it was the organic chunky vegetable soup I had last night.

Worst. Day. Ever.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Day 11 - Ups and Downs

Had an important meeting today that didn't quite go as well as I'd hoped.  Left me feeling a bit "bleah" for the rest of the day.  Not the vegetables fault though, so enough of that!

What is interesting is how my weight loss program has been going.  I've been limiting myself to a net intake of 1,800 calories a day.  That means if I do a big run, I eat more to compensate the calories burned.

The chart below shows my daily weigh in over the past 40 or so days.  You can see that 11 days ago I stopped eating all animal products, marked by the red line.  What gets interesting is how my previous diet involved a great deal of daily fluctuation (the maxes and mins) with a steady downward trend.  My new plant powered diet is more consistent and the rate of weight loss is a bit steeper (for no additional exercise).

My goal is to reach 10% body fat (at about 12% now) which means I will aim to plateau out at around 74kg or so.  With my new diet that shouldn't be a problem at all.  The interesting thing will be making sure I don't lose too much weight.  Wow, never thought I'd have to worry about that!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Day 10 - Jinxing myself

No sooner had I posted about my sleep being better than normal, then I had the worst night's sleep ever.  Stressing about work unnecessarily, tossing and turning the whole night. I do marvel at my ability to jinx myself... Which gives me an idea... Ahem.  I'm on day 10 and and I'm lucky that random people haven't given me millions of dollars for no good reason. Hint hint.

Hey, you never know, it could work.  Not likely, but call me an eternal optimist.

Anyway, it is all okay, since I got a new toy to play with today!

As my runs have been getting longer and longer, I've been struggling with how to stay hydrated and comfortable at the same time.  So far I've tried:
  • The bum-bag bottle.  Hated it. Bounced around and just wasn't comfortable.
  • Just running with a bottle in my hand.  Not bad, but annoying over time.
  • Running with a fancy bottle with a hand strap. My favourite so far, but a bit annoying with gloves as it gets slippy.
  • Forgetting to bring anything.  Not recommended.  Had to stop running and walk home.  Seriously, don't do that.
Which brings me onto my latest attempt:
That's right, a hydration vest! This one is from Salomon and was generally highly rated by people who should know a lot more about this sort of stuff than me.  I tried it on briefly and it does feel snug and comfy.  Will take it out for a spin on the weekend and see how that puppy goes.

On the food side, I've started to repeat various easy to make/buy foods.  I need to expand my vegan repertoire and my culinary skills. I'm sure I'll be posting some disasters here in no time :)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Day 9 - Who doesn't like a PB?

Clearly not me. Very victorious though.
Today I went for a 10km run at lunch and managed to set a new PB (not hard at my pace, but hey). I'm taking this as definitive proof that my plant based diet is working in at least some small measure. However that got me to thinking and I believe that in order to progress you can't focus on a single thing - you have to take a holistic approach.  So while I've been focusing a lot on my diet, I've also been thinking about how I feel (aches, pains, tiredness, energy, etc), my sleep and my thoughts.

So I'm aiming for:
  • Positive thoughts - I will not stress about the things I cannot change and will not allow anger/fear to control me
  • Good eating - not just eliminating animal products, but thinking about everything I'm using to fuel my body
  • Proactive actions - stretches and targeted exercises for weak areas
  • Rest - making sure I get to bed at a good time and sleep deeply 
But above all:
  • Hard work and patience - good things come to those who work both hard and smart. Progress from determined effort is its own reward.
I think I'm making progress on all these, however incremental. Onward!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Day 8 - Is there such a thing as too much avacodo?

Legs are a little sore from yesterday's jog, but otherwise feeling fine.  On the food front, I had tortilla chips, salsa and guacamole twice today. I'm pretty sure that's the vegan equivalent to junk food.  Not ideal, but yummy all said :)

I finished Rich Roll's book Finding Ultra which I enjoyed immensely.  Above all the guy knows how to put together an interesting tale.  I didn't find the product endorsements too annoying (a common complaint on the Amazon reviews) and love the message about not being too old to become super fit.  I'm 35 and often wonder if I'm past my prime, but if you take Rich's word for it, I have plenty to go yet.

One thing I've noticed in the past 8 days is my weight has fluctuated a lot less. Normally it varies by as much as 1.5kg a day.  I always measure it in the morning at the same for consistency. Since changing my lifestyle I haven't exercised more than normal (perhaps a bit less actually) but I've lost 1kg in a very consistent, gradual manner - between 0 and 200g a day.  So the weight it coming off and it is doing it in a controlled manner, this seems positive!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Day 7 - Long Run

Today was my first plant powered long run.  It was wet, raining, cold and muddy.  I also tried out my new minimalist trail shoes the New Balance MT10s.  The plan was to go out to Victoria Park, which is 5km away, then do laps of the park, splashing around in the muddy paths with my trail shoes.

At least they look like proper trail shoes now...
So how did it go?  Not quite as I was expecting.

The first thing I found out was the shoes are not comfy for hard surfaces. I'm a natural mid-foot striker, so I thought I'd still feel springy. But no, no springy-ness, instead I felt each step as it struck the concrete.  Not the shoes fault though, instead it was mine for not thinking it through properly.

Once I got to the park and the trails, I discovered the second thing - these shoes make no claim at all about water resistance.  In fact, they are better stated as sieve-like, water goes in easy, water comes out easy.  I imagine in a variety of conditions that will be really useful (trails on a warm day, after running through a river, etc).  Doing muddy 5km laps of the park with a 5km run home on concrete in soggy socks was not a training highlight I'll cherish.

So, once again not the shoes fault, but instead discovery process for me. 

Injury wise, my knee started playing up at the 3km mark, but by some miracle stopped hurting at about the 12-13km point.  Either I corrected my form or the soggy socks drove any consideration of pain out of my head.  Or maybe I'm just getting past a period of adjustment.  I may never know :)

What was the verdict for my first plant powered run? Inconclusive. For a start it is too early in the process for my body to have made many adjustments. Secondly the weather and my poor choice in running gear weighed heavily on the run.  I did manage to bang out 20km, in less than ideal conditions and as I write this in the evening, I'm feeling pretty much recovered. So +1 for recovery speed if nothing else.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Day 6 - Plant Powered

This evening I had a food breakthrough! Thanks to a recipe from Scott Jurek's book Eat and Run (brilliant book, highly recommended) I've finally managed to make my first really yummy vegan meal.  Sure, I've bought some nice meals, and enjoyed a variety of delicious vegan food in the past week, but this time I made a complete meal that worked!

I decided to try out Scott's Long Run Pizza Bread recipe and this time I made sure I got all the ingredients right.  I made a special trip to the shop to get all things not in the cupboard, including spelt bread, tofu, miso, nutritional yeast and seasonings. I then followed the instructions precisely and voila! Success!

Messy, but looks promising

Some tofu "feta" added and 15 minutes in the oven later they turned out great (no professional photography here, clearly):

Not too bad! Tasted pretty awesome too
All said, I'm just so pleased, since I was despairing that I'd never get the hang of cooking anything well. Previously my most complex dishes involved nothing more than 4-5 ingredients, no measuring and a touch of luck.  This has been quite a journey already, and there is lots of room for improvement in the future.

Now, I did say this was the athletic vegan and I haven't mentioned my running much yet.  Mainly focused on getting nutrition right first. Also, my nagging injury from my last long run has limited my options.  Excuses aside, I went for a medium paced 10km run today and it went pretty well all said.  It was very windy and I wasn't pushing myself, but I was only 1 second a km off my PB.  So I'm pleased with that.  Tomorrow is my long run; this time I'll do 5km laps of a park that is 5km away (aiming for a total of 25km).  Let's see how my new plant powered body holds up.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Day 5 - Stupidity Inc.

Drank way too much red wine last night (no idea if it was even vegan wine) and payed the price for it today.  The evening was great and the (hopefully) vegan curry was delicious... the first time anyway.  Anyway, enough gory details - lesson learnt, again.

I tried out a quinoa vegetable "paella" from Fat Free Vegan for dinner.  I think the recipe was a good one, but once again my tendency to try experimenting with things landed me in bland-land.  I do like quinoa though - I can see myself enjoying that fairly regularly.  Just need to learn how to cook with it properly.  As with anything new, it is a bit much to expect brilliance right out of the gate.

It was supposed to look like this.  Maybe next time...

So, apart from cooking related disasters, anything else worth sharing? Well I am surprised how little I find myself missing meat.  I fully expected some sort of craving for chicken to overcome me, but so far I've had nothing of the sort.  I've also not wanted any chocolates and other sweets, which is a gigantic plus for going vegan in my books.

One thing I've noticed a couple of times now is people's different reaction to my rather radical change in diet.  Some people actually get really defensive when I mention going vegan, immediately explaining how much they love meat.  I've then had people explain to me that being vegan is really unhealthy and I'm going to drop dead of protein deficiency any minute now.  Where does this need to defend meat eating and attack plant based diets come from?  I think that I have given a similar response to vegetarians before.  Why do we do this sort of irrational justification? Not sure - but it is quite an interesting response.  Of course not everyone is like that, some are much more like "that's cool!" and are interested in how I'm doing.  I like these people the most :)

One solution is to take the emotive "vegan" word out of the conversation and instead go with that I'm on a "cleanse" (oh cool, short term hippy stint, I can accept that) or more simply that I'm adopting a Plant Powered diet (taken from Rich Roll's book).  That sounds a lot easier, but leads to far less fun conversations!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Day 4 - Reading List

In order to bring me up to speed, I'm reading a number of books. I mentioned Rich's book yesterday, however I've gone for quite a collection, as you can see:

Yes, Living Vegan for DUMMIES.  I'm not too proud to admit it!

Currently reading the dummies book and Find Ultra in chunks.  I go for the dummies guide when I remember I'm supposed to actually follow nutritional guidelines and for Finding Ultra when I want a little inspiration.  Both are proving to be really top books so far.  I'll review when I'm finished.

I actually got the Advanced Marathoning a while ago and I'm nearly done.  Fantastic book, very scientific in approach and I can't recommend it enough to anyone with an interest in running a marathon in the best time they are able to.

Out for dinner tonight, so I doubt I'll have any athletic or nutritional breakthroughs. My main aim is to see how tempting I find everything while I'm there.  Let's see.